The use of digital paper is a fun and versatile way to create crafts projects or decor your printable or digital planner. Because of that, we offer you this cute digital paper free with leaves and berries pattern.
You may use this pattern digital paper digitally to decor a digital planner, use it like a wallpaper for your device or digital bullet journal. Also, you may use it like a printable wall art, for making bookmarks and traditional bullet journal.
For more ideas about how to use digital paper, check our ‘What is digital paper‘ article.
For printable purposes, you can print this digital paper at home. But, remember setting your printer with high quality for better results. Or maybe, you would want to print in your local print shop. It’s up to you.

On the other hand, the cute leaves and berries pattern digital paper free is in PDF file format for you to download. You can open this file with Adobe Reader for free. Also, it is 8.5 x 11 inches sized for easy printing at home.
Additionally, if it might interest you that in Mercy Digital Designs we have other printables. Like printable planners and digital art prints. As well you can find free printable planners at the Subscriber Library, such as printable daily planner, weekly planner, monthly planner, notes pages, to do lists and writing paper. For getting access to the Subscriber Library you only have to join our mailing list through this form.
Subscribers get access to exclusive sales and premium digital resources for free from our Subscriber Library.

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This free resource from Mercy Digital Designs is only for personal use. So, please do not share, resell or redistribute the files or use the item(s) commercially under any circumstances or share them publicly. Thank you.
Download the Cute Digital Paper Free with Leaves and Berries Pattern
That ‘s it! I hope you liked this cute digital paper for you to use.